Well, 2020 has been like Wile E. Coyote being smashed, blown up, & run over, but it is over & new hope for 2021. We have seen many changes with the “New Norm” in doing things. I go everywhere with a mask and the first thing I do before I remove the mask is to put hand sanitizer on my hands, then remove the mask. I also have tried to stay away from closed, unvented inside areas, but I try to stay in the open where I can control the distance from everyone. Each event I have attended has changed how we do things to meet the so-called “New Norm”.

On a sad note, this year has been one where many friends and others have passed because of the Covid 19. Pray for their families and the others that have had the virus.

Let’s all pray that this virus gets under control and things improved where we can all get back to our jobs and other things we used to do as now we called “when it was normal” in 2021.